Category Archives: Egyéb

Turning data into an interesting story: The DATA Wars

The below prezi was created with the help of Prezi’s new chart feature! As you may heard about it Prezi bought the Latvian data visualisation boutique Infogram back in May, 2017! Now this cooperation comes to fruition in the form of added prezi functionality i.e. the integrated chart feature. Should you be interested in it and would like to learn more about Prezi’s related features and capabilities contact us, we can help you create jaw dropping prezi’s.



Ingyenes fiók létrehozása Prezi oktatáshoz

Az alábbi videón bemutatjuk, hogyan lehet ingyenes Prezi ( fiókot létrehozni néhány perc alatt.

Néhány, a videóhoz tartozó megjegyzés:

  • A Prezi oldalán, ha rendszerünkben a magyar az alapértelmezett nyelv, nem lesz szükség a nyelvi beállítás módosítására.
  • Mivel nem akartuk a Prezi adatbázisát “szennyezni”, ezért az utolsó lépést kihagytuk és nem hoztunk létre új fiókot. Ennek ellenére, nem fog senkinek gondot okozni a fiók nyitás, ez egész biztos.




Tailored to demands, the first Prezi Pricer around


Prezi is becoming increasingly popular in the business sector as well; no doubt that this is due to the fact that it represents a different frame of mind and facilitates the use of a presentation technique that differs from the classic power points. Nowadays the professional design of a presentation is also supported by dedicated companies: one only needs to tell his story to a presentation expert, who then composes it in a form that conforms to the image of its company, or quite the opposite, it differs from it. However, before placing such an order the prospective customer must answer a number of questions for himself: the exact length of the story, the number of extra solutions he would like to apply, and ultimately the cash he wants to spend on telling his story in a new form.

Time after time it turns out only after the umpteenth personal meeting that in fact the customer is not in the position or does not want to spend on converting his story into a presentation. Most inquirers often would only like to have a presentation that is capable of entrancing their colleagues, superiors and customers. However, the majority of the presentations made at Yourprezi are tailored to the customer’s demands, which cannot be resold; therefore what the customer buys is in fact the working time of the creative experts. For this reason it is advisable to clarify both the demands and the possibilities at the beginning of the briefing process.


The conscious planning of a presentation is in fact the foundation step in terms of the internal content and the incurred costs. The new solution of Yourprezi – i.e. the Pricer – provides assistance in this planning by asking those basic questions that the customer wishing to take the opportunity of having a presentation prepared otherwise would not raise. The necessary questions must be formulated by the vendor to the customer at the very beginning of the process, rather than in the other way round, thereby preventing the loss of time attributable to compiling an inadequate brief. Most presentations may also be parameterised backwards in terms of the number of slides, as well as the depth and intensity of the images it consists of.


The user of Pricer may choose from the following options from the outset: whether he wishes to convert an existing ppt into a presentation, or he would rather describe his ideas about the future presentation, or perhaps would like to use an already elaborated metaphor of Yourpezi, i.e. a customisable Yourstory (the latter will be available only in the Q1 2015, it is being tested at the moment). After this, statements can be made not only about the length of the future presentation (both in terms of the slides and the duration of the presentation), but also whether the creative experts need to comply with the existing corporate image or they may work freely or, perhaps, the graphic arts of a third party also needs to be integrated.

The fact that the customer’s needs can be found out already before meeting them personally tremendously eases YourPrezi’s work. With Pricer the prospective customers can get an idea of what Yourprezi can offer them, what the available options are and the costs they should roughly calculate with before starting the actual work.

en_8_1The greatest obstacle hindering the use of Prezi for business purposes yielding professional quality is that the preparation thereof is seemingly difficult to access for most people. Not everybody has the time to compile a high-quality presentation with brute force. Preparing a presentation of such quality requires special skills and proficiency. Now even those who have no time or possibility to learn all tricks of this may tell their own story.

Pricer not only makes the business side of the presentation preparation simpler, but also increases the accessibility of Prezi. After all Pricer opens a new door, or at least widens the existing one to the world of Prezi, primarily among the business users.


5+5 affiliate program


We are kindly inviting here trainers, pr professionals, project managers, communication- and other experts  for a partnering opportunity. Should there be a client demand for a custom Prezi you don’t want to personally address forward it to us. Register, get a code and receive 5% commission after all revenues we receive from your clients. Your clients will also receive 5% off from our retail prices. If you prefer give them your part and make them more engaged with you. For further information and introduction please contact us at (Re: 5+5)! Our program is open till 15th of March, 2015, please register yourself before this deadline!